Samarco uses essential enablers that boost its performance and its ability to create long-term value. The safety of people is a company value, ensuring that its activities are carried out safely and protecting the well-being of its employees, contractors promoting the health and well-being of, maintaining internal policies and practices that guarantee a safe environment. healthy and conducive to all.
Committed to respecting human rights, Samarco follows domestic and foreign legislation and guidelines. It seeks to promote an ethical environment in its operations, combating corruption and ensuring fair competition. Everyone involved is guided to act in accordance with these principles, cultivating an organizational culture based on responsibility and compliance with high ethical standards.
Integrated risk management is a crucial aspect for Samarco. Through a comprehensive approach, the company identifies, reviews and manages the risks associated with its activities. It seeks predictability in the business environment, ensuring compliance with regulations in addition to preserving its reputation among stakeholders.
All of these themes – people’s safety, health and well-being, human rights, integrated risk management and innovation — are transversal and are interconnected in the search for comprehensive and effective sustainability governance. Samarco recognizes that the strength of these enablers is essential to create a solid foundation of sustainable practices, which promote positive results for its employees, communities, the environment and stakeholders involved.
Safe, Sustainable and Responsible Production
We believe that the future of our business is only possible through the path towards mining based on innovation and sustainability. Along this path, we have directed efforts to implement initiatives on fronts such as operational safety, product quality, efficiency in the use of funds, modernization, technology and reduction and reuse of tailings and waste, including in different production chains.
Through the implementation of creative ideas and new approaches, innovation drives business growth and evolution. Samarco recognizes the importance of innovation, especially in a business environment in constant transformation, where new technologies emerge, consumer dynamics and demands evolve and society’s expectations change all the time. In this regard, Samarco is committed to fostering innovation in several areas, including dewatering and waste disposal through the Dry Stacking project.
Ambition: Integrate innovation into solutions to business challenges and be recognized as a company committed to innovation.
Health and Safety
As a non-negotiable value at Samarco, respect for people and life is a basic concept for conducting its activities and investments involving employees, contractors and communities. When considering the importance of these aspects, the company adopts practices and policies that promote a safe, healthy and conducive work environment for everyone.
Ambition: Provide health and well-being of our people and the communities where we operate (area of direct influence).
Safety is a value for Samarco. Investing in people’s safety helps to avoid workplace accidents, occupational illnesses and incidents that could compromise the health and physical integrity of employees, in addition to improving the organizational climate, increasing productivity and reducing costs associated with accidents and absences. Operating in a safe and responsible manner is Samarco’s commitment to its employees, contractors and communities.
Ambition: Provide a safe working environment for all our employees, with zero workplace accidents.
Human Rights
A priority and transversal theme for Samarco, Human Rights have received special attention in recent years. Based on the UN Guiding Principles on Human Rights (OPs), we carried out a diagnosis and identified gaps in relation to our compliance with these principles. With this, we began structuring several initiatives that will enable us to meet the main components of due diligence on the topic. We know that we are at the beginning of a human rights due diligence journey and we have organized our progress plan into five main fronts:
1) Commitment to respect Human Rights;
2) Identification and assessment of risks of violation of Human Rights;
3) Integration (for prevention and mitigation) and Monitoring,
4) Remediation and grievance mechanisms; It is
5) Communications about HR.
The first concrete step of this diligence took place with the formalization of the commitment in a Human Rights Policy.
Ambition: Respect for human rights integrated into Samarco culture through effective strategies and processes that contribute to fostering social development, in addition to preventing and mitigating negative impacts that may occur as a result of the company’s actions.
Integrated Management
Integrated risk management involves the identification, assessment and management of risks in all areas and organizational levels, in order to provide a holistic and comprehensive view of the potential impacts that may affect the organization.
To achieve its commitments to the topic, Samarco uses a comprehensive and systemic approach to its risk management, which includes consideration of sustainability risks at all stages of the process. With an extensive and transversal vision, integrated risk management allows an analysis in conjunction with the company’s other operational, financial and strategic risks.
Ambition: Reduce the likelihood and magnitude of negative events in operations, as well as encourage worker safety, environmental protection and mitigation of negative impacts on local communities.
•Waste, tailings and waste rock
•Atmospheric and climate
• Host communities
• Territorial development
• Diversity, equity and inclusion
• People
• Ethics and transparency
• Sustainability governance
• Stakeholder engagement
• Sustainable supply chain
• Dialogue
• People and communities
• Land and water
• Reconstruction and infrastructure